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Underground tunnel with nice vanishing point and neon lights


Solve society’s challenges and create a better world.

Postgraduate degrees

Chemical engineering

Chemical engineers play a critical role in transforming raw materials into useful products such as healthy foods, clean water, metals, medicines and sustainable energy.

1 - 8 of 8 results
Engineering Science

Master of Engineering Science

St Lucia
1 Year full-time (or part-time equivalent)1 Year full-time
Engineering Science (Management)

Master of Engineering Science (Management)

St Lucia
2 Years full-time2 Years full-time
(or part time equivalent)
Sustainable Energy

Master of Sustainable Energy

St Lucia
1.5 Years full-time1.5 Years full-time
(or part time equivalent)
Bioengineering (Professional)

Master of Bioengineering (Professional)

St Lucia
2 Years full-time2 Years full-time
(or part time equivalent)
Chemical Engineering (Professional)

Master of Chemical Engineering (Professional)

St Lucia
2 Years full-time2 Years full-time
(or part time equivalent)
Engineering Science

Graduate Certificate in Engineering Science

St Lucia
Half Year full-timeHalf Year full-time
(or part time equivalent)
Sustainable Energy

Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Energy

St Lucia
1 Year full-time (or part-time equivalent)1 Year full-time
Sustainable Energy

Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Energy

St Lucia
Half Year full-timeHalf Year full-time
(or part time equivalent)