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You're a domestic student if you are:

  • a citizen of Australia or New Zealand,
  • an Australian permanent resident, or
  • a holder of an Australian permanent humanitarian visa.

You're an international student if you are:

  • intending to study on a student visa,
  • not a citizen of Australia or New Zealand,
  • not an Australian permanent resident, or
  • a temporary resident (visa status) of Australia.
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Students studying at a cafe

Improve your English: study abroad and exchange

Looking to take your English language skills to the next level?

These courses are for students who have already met the English requirement to study at UQ. You'll learn how to improve your verbal and written English with plenty of opportunities to practice and improve your language skills.

Ready to apply? Follow the study abroad and exchange admissions guide.

If you're interested in opportunities to study overseas as a UQ student, learn more about global experiences.