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How to apply (MD graduate entry)

If you've completed a key degree, or are in your final year of a bachelor's degree (or equivalent) and have sat GAMSAT, apply for the Doctor of Medicine (MD) through the Graduate Entry Medical School Admissions System (GEMSAS).

Apply now to GEMSAS

See the GEMSAS website for:

What happens next

Selection for interviews

Once your application has been assessed, GEMSAS will email you to let you know if you've been invited for a multiple mini-interview (MMI).

Applicants are selected for interviews based on GPA and GAMSAT scores. 

Applicants are ranked for invite to interview within the pathways they apply. 

If you have indicated that you would like to be considered for the: 

  • Central Queensland – Wide Bay Regional Medical Pathway (CQ-WB RMP), or
  • Darling Downs-South West Medical Pathway (DD-SW MP).

You'll be ranked for those pathways first and within each tier (Tier 1 first, followed by Tier 2, then Tier 3).

If you're not ranked for an invite to interview for the CQ-WB RMP or DD-SW MP, you'll be ranked and considered for an invite to interview in the Greater Brisbane pathway. 

Applicants to all pathways must meet the same minimum selection criteria however this does not guarantee selection for interview. 

Eligible applicants will receive only one invitation to interview from a medical school participating in GEMSAS. Participating medical schools share and accept interview outcomes so applicants will only be interviewed once. 

Interview and invitation dates

GEMSAS issue interview invites in late August/early September. If you're selected for interview, you must: 

  • accept your invitation in the GEMSAS portal and
  • book an interview time directly with UQ by the booking due date on the invitation.

Interviews will be scheduled for mid-September 2024. 

If you've completed a key degree or are in your final year of a bachelor's degree (or equivalent), you can apply online directly to UQ.

You'll need to select the postgraduate MD program (code 5740). You can complete the application yourself or apply through an approved UQ agent near you.

You'll need to pay a fee of A$150 when you submit your application. This fee can't be refunded.

Apply to UQ

Application dates

To apply to start studying in 2025, you'll need to submit your application by:

  • 14 June 2024 to be considered for Round 1 offers.

If you're sitting MCAT on 10, 11 or 16 May 2024, you can still apply for Round 1. You'll need to provide evidence of your MCAT booking confirmation. We'll consider your application once results are released on 11 and 18 June respectively.

  • 8 August 2024 to be considered for Round 2 offers.

If you're sitting the MCAT on 13 July 2024 you can still apply for Round 2. You'll need to provide evidence of your MCAT booking confirmation. We'll consider your application once results are released on 13 August. 

What happens next

We'll assess your application to see if you meet the minimum entry requirements.

Once your application has been assessed, we'll email you to let you know if you've been invited for a multiple mini-interview (MMI).

Applicants are selected for interviews based on GPA, and GAMSAT or MCAT scores.

Interview and invitation dates

We'll email invitations for interviews in the week beginning:

  • 1 July 2024 for Round 1 interviews.
  • 26 August 2024 for Round 2 interviews.

Interviews will be scheduled for the week beginning:

  • 15 July 2024 for Round 1
  • 9 September 2024 for Round 2.

Following the interviews, all applicants are ranked and we'll let you know if you're eligible to receive an offer.

Receiving your invitation 

It's your responsibility to provide the correct email address and check all inboxes (including junk and spam folders).

If you experience any issues with your booking, you must contact the Faculty of Medicine during the booking window for assistance (

We won't consider requests to accept late bookings for interviews unless there are exceptional circumstances. Interview times are subject to availability.

A lack of knowledge about the booking procedure, the associated timelines or not checking your junk mail folder are not considered to be circumstances beyond your control and would not meet the criteria for a late application to be considered.

Offer dates

Offers will be emailed in the week beginning:

  • 29 July 2024 for Round 1
  • 30 September 2024 for Round 2.

Offers made to applicants in your final year of your first key degree, or currently completing study to meet prerequisites will be conditional upon completing the outstanding entry requirements before 31 December in the year of application.

As there are limited places, if you've received an offer, make sure you respond as soon as possible.

If places have been filled, you'll be added to our waitlist.

You can find more information about admission requirements, interviews, offer selection and deferment in Schedule 3 of the Admission to Coursework Procedure.

Selection for offers

Following the interviews, eligible applicants are ranked by tier and merit order in each pathway, with CQ-WB RMP and DD-SW MP offers determined first.

CQ-WB RMP and DD-SW MP applicants who do not receive an offer to those pathways will then be considered for an offer in the Greater Brisbane pathway.

If applicants have the same final score, the MMI score will be used as a tiebreaker.

Applicants from all entry pathways are then ranked in merit order to determine whether they will receive a non-bonded or bonded medical place (BMP). CSP places will be offered first, followed by BMP. 

If you receive an offer and you're in the final year of your first key degree, your offer is conditional on completing your key degree and other outstanding entry requirements before 31 December in the year of application. 

If you receive an offer and decline it, you will not be eligible to receive any other offers from medical schools that participate in GEMSAS. You may, however, apply again next year. 

For more information on admission requirements, interview and offer selection, and deferment see Schedule 3 of the Admission to Coursework Procedure and the GEMSAS website. 

Feedback on your application

Once the relevant admission period has passed, we'll provide feedback on your unweighted average GAMSAT score, grade point average and MMI score in comparison to the cohort (other applicants).

Please note that we’re unable to provide qualitative or quantitative feedback on your individual MMI performance.

Feedback on your application

Once the relevant admission period has passed, we'll provide feedback on your unweighted average GAMSAT or MCAT score, grade point average and MMI score in comparison to the cohort (other applicants).

Please note that we’re unable to provide qualitative or quantitative feedback on your individual MMI performance.