Subject prerequisite equivalents
You can meet subject prerequisites for UQ programs if you've studied equivalent subjects through high school or tertiary study.
Our subject prerequisites are listed as Queensland Year 12 General subjects, but you can also meet them by passing equivalent subjects through:
- Australian high school, including Queensland Senior, interstate Year 12 or International Baccalaureate (IB)
- overseas high school or International Baccalaureate (IB)
- tertiary study, including university subjects, and bridging and preparatory programs.
If you've completed high school subjects or tertiary studies that aren't listed here, contact us for advice.
If you haven't studied the prerequisites or equivalent subjects, pathway options can help you meet the requirements for your preferred program.
Australian high school
If you completed high school or the International Baccalaureate in Australia, check your subjects and results to see if you meet our program prerequisites.
UQ subject prerequisite | Queensland Year 12 subject equivalent Grade of C or better in Units 3/4 (or equivalent) |
English |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Specialist Mathematics |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
Earth and Environmental Science |
UQ subject prerequisite | ACT Year 12 subject equivalent Achieve 50% in T Majors only |
English |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Specialist Mathematics |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
Earth and Environmental Sciences |
UQ subject prerequisite | NSW Year 12 subject equivalent Achieve performance band 3+ |
English |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Specialist Mathematics |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
Earth and Environmental Science |
UQ subject prerequisite | SA and NT Year 12 subject equivalent C+ or better (from Publicly Assessed Subjects only) |
English |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Specialist Mathematics |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
Earth and Environmental Science |
UQ subject prerequisite | Tasmania Year 12 subject equivalent SA or better (exit level of achievement) |
English |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Specialist Mathematics |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
UQ subject prerequisite | Victoria Year 12 subject equivalent 26+ (study score) |
English |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Specialist Mathematics |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
UQ subject prerequisite | WA Year 12 subject equivalent 50 per cent + (subject scaled mark) |
English |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Specialist Mathematics |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
Earth and Environmental Science |
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent HL subs: 3 = pass, SL subs: 4 = pass |
English |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Specialist Mathematics |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
International Baccalaureate (IB) information sheet (PDF, 89.98 KB)
How you can use the International Baccalaureate to meet subject prerequisites and gain a selection rank.
Overseas high school
If you completed high school or studied the IB overseas, check your subjects and results to see if you meet our program prerequisites.
Alberta High School Diploma
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (minimum pass = 50% – level 30 subjects only) |
English |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
British Columbia Senior Secondary School Graduation Diploma*
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (minimum pass = 50%) |
English |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Specialist Mathematics |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
*Provincially examined acceptable if completed before 2019.
Ontario Secondary School Diploma
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (minimum pass mark = 50%, Ontario Academic Courses – OACs) |
English |
Mathematical Methods |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
Nova Scotia High School Completion Certificate
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (minimum pass = 50%) |
English |
General Mathematics |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (minimum pass = 50% or better) |
Mathematical Methods |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (minimum pass = 5) |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Specialist Mathematics |
Chemistry |
Physics |
Biology |
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (minimum pass = 10/20 pt) |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Chemistry |
Physics |
Biology |
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (minimum pass = 60%) |
Mathematical Methods |
Chemistry |
Physics |
Biology |
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (minimum pass = 4) |
Mathematical Methods |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (minimum pass = 3, and a 4 is required for English) |
English |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Specialist Mathematics |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
+ Combined Science may be used to meet one of either Physics or Chemistry. Please contact UQ if the program has both Physics and Chemistry prerequisites.
* Applicants must gain a grade of 3 in each relevant module to meet the mathematics prerequisite (e.g. you must gain a minimum grade of 3 in both the compulsory module and the extension module to meet the equivalent requirements of Mathematics B).
Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) information sheet (PDF, 71.86 KB)
How you can use the HKDSE to meet subject prerequisites and gain a selection rank.
All India Senior School Cert (XII) (Central Board of Secondary Education)
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (minimum pass = 33%) |
English |
Mathematical Methods |
Specialist Mathematics |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
India Certificate of Secondary Education (Council for School Certificate Examination)
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (minimum pass = 40%) |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Specialist Mathematics |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (minimum pass = 33%) |
Mathematical Methods |
Physics |
Biology |
Chemistry |
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (minimum pass = 35%) |
Mathematical Methods |
Specialist Mathematics |
Chemistry |
Physics |
Biology |
Tamil Nadu
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (minimum pass = 35%) |
Mathematical Methods |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent HL subs: 3 = pass, SL subs: 4 = pass |
English |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Specialist Mathematics |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
International Baccalaureate (IB) information sheet (PDF, 89.98 KB)
How you can use the International Baccalaureate to meet subject prerequisites and gain a selection rank.
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (D1 or better) |
English |
Mathematical Methods |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
Malaysian STPM
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (minimum pass = Pass, C or 2 on a 4-point scale) |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Chemistry |
Physics |
Biology |
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (Achieved = 2.0) |
English |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
New Zealand NCEA Level 3 information sheet (PDF, 52.57 KB)
How you can use NCEA studies to meet subject prerequisites and gain a selection rank.
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (minimum requirement = Pass) |
English | English core plus two of either:
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Chemistry |
Physics |
Biology |
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (GCSE/IGCSE, AS level or H1 = C or better. A level or H2 = D or better. O Level = C6 or better) |
English |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Chemistry |
Physics |
Biology |
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (minimum pass = 4 or 50%) |
English |
Mathematical Methods |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
South African National Senior Certificate (NSC) information sheet (PDF, 75.27 KB)
How you can use the South African NSC to meet subject prerequisites and gain a selection rank.
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (mathematics: minimum pass = 100 out of 200. Chemistry: minimum pass = 50 out of 100) |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Specialist Mathematics |
Chemistry |
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (minimum pass = E) |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Specialist Mathematics |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (A Level = D. O and AS Level = C) |
English |
General Mathematics |
Mathematical Methods |
Specialist Mathematics |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
*GCSE O Level English subjects are not accepted for Bachelor of Education (Primary) or Bachelor of Education (Secondary) programs.
UK General Certificate of Education (GCE) information sheet (PDF, 69.55 KB)
How you can use the UK GCE to meet subject prerequisites and gain a selection rank.
UQ subject prerequisite | Subject equivalent (Advanced Placement (AP) minimum grade = 3; SAT/ACT score) |
English |
General Mathematics |
Aptitude test scores:
Mathematical Methods |
Physics |
Chemistry |
Biology |
USA high school qualifications information sheet (PDF, 80.31 KB)
How you can use USA high school qualifications to meet subject prerequisites and gain a selection rank.
Tertiary study
If you've completed university or other tertiary study, check your subjects and results to see if you meet our program prerequisites.
This includes bridging and preparatory programs, such as university foundation years and tertiary preparation programs.
Bridging subjects to meet prerequisites information sheet (PDF, 157.1 KB)
Bridging program subjects you can use to meet subject prerequisites.
Tertiary subjects to meet prerequisites information sheet (PDF, 145.29 KB)
Subjects at UQ and other universities that you can use to meet subject prerequisites.
Some undergraduate programs have subject prerequisites. These are listed as Queensland Year 12 General subjects, but you may be able to meet them if you've studied equivalent subjects at an interstate or overseas high school, at university or through a bridging program.
Check the program page and select your qualification to see equivalent subjects.