UQ Ready
Your guide to transitioning from high school to university.
Join us in person or online for an informative night that will provide you with everything you need for a smooth transition from high school to university.
Event sessions
Northern Rivers, New South Wales
Gold Coast
Sunshine Coast
What’s involved
- Get advice on maximising your ATAR score and preparing for university.
- Understand the QTAC process, from application to offer.
- Hear about our diverse student support services, including mentoring, accommodation, neurodiversity support and more.
- Learn how to enrol and plan your timetable.
- Get tips for successfully transitioning from school to university.
- Hear about UQ's vibrant and inclusive campus culture.
The information will be valuable to any high school student looking to go to any university.
Who should attend
- High school students in Year 12 or 11 who are considering going to university
- Parents and guardians
- Careers advisors
- Teachers and principals
This is a free event.