Develop a deeper understanding of the interconnections between people and the environment.
You will also explore how human-led processes and design outcomes shape our ability to respond to pressing environmental problems, including climate change, bushfires, food insecurity, waste and biodiversity loss.
Drawing from many disciplines, including sociology, anthropology, planning, philosophy and economics, this major covers global issues including social and environmental injustice, environmental racism and violence, the politics of conflict, and activism and social change.
With broad applications across many career paths, including the diverse field of design, you’ll be prepared to address the environmental challenges of the future. This major will be particularly relevant to those wishing to work to address environmental and social challenges through government policy making, environmental communication and advocacy, and international development.
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7 April - 22 September
Beginner Language Bootcamp at UQ IML

7 April
International Baccalaureate Research Skills Program
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UQ people
Meet the expert: exploring regional and town planning with Stephanie Wyeth
5-minute read

Uni life
What’s it like to study architecture and urban planning as a postgraduate?
3-minute read

Study tips
Why choose UQ for environmental studies?
6-minute read
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UQ people
Meet the expert: exploring regional and town planning with Stephanie Wyeth
5-minute read

Uni life
What’s it like to study architecture and urban planning as a postgraduate?
3-minute read

Study tips
Why choose UQ for environmental studies?
6-minute read
How you'll learn
Your learning experiences are designed to best suit the learning outcomes of the courses you choose.
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What you'll study
At UQ, subjects are called 'courses'.
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