This field of study will develop students with technical and research skills, a global perspective on professional engineering practice and the competence to identify and apply current practice to solve real-world engineering problems.
All students complete a two-semester research project or industry placement giving you invaluable experience in developing, managing and delivering on complex projects.
Electrical engineers are employed in a wide range of organisations including industries, educational institutions, companies and governments. Some graduates also go on to establish their own companies early in their careers. Electrical engineers typically find careers in areas such as:
- Telecommunications
- Signal and image processing
- Robotics and intelligent systems
- Computer systems
- Electric power generation transmission and distribution
- Biomedical instrumentation, imaging, diagnostics and decision support systems
- Mining and transport
- Defense, aviation and automotive technologies
Average annual salary range
Electrical Engineer
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7 April
International Baccalaureate Research Skills Program

30 June
Queensland Biology Winter School, Year 11
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Study tips
Why choose UQ for environmental studies?
6-minute read
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Study tips
Why choose UQ for environmental studies?
6-minute read
How you'll learn
Your learning experiences are designed to best suit the learning outcomes of the courses you choose.
- Lectures
- Tutorials
- Research experience
- Laboratory work
- Fieldwork
What you'll study
At UQ, subjects are called 'courses'. Here's a sample of the courses you could study:
- Embedded Systems Design and Interfacing
- Electrical Energy Conversion and Utilisation
- Operating Systems Architecture
- Computer Networks
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