This field of study is one of the broadest areas of engineering, covering dynamics and control, thermodynamics and fluid mechanics, structures and solid mechanics and design and manufacture.
Core to mechanical engineering process is the ability to formulate a problem, identify potential solutions, analyse and model solutions and select the most appropriate solution within constraints. This approach is integrated within the program and is applicable across a range of professions, making graduates well prepared for a changing world.
Mechanical engineers are employed in diverse industries including the automotive, aerospace, environmental, medical, power generation and building industries to name a few. Our graduates work in design and development, testing and manufacturing, consulting firms, government agencies and educational institutions.
Employment opportunities in Australia and overseas range from very large mining, refining, construction and manufacturing companies to small companies in which you might be the only engineer. Some graduates start their own companies soon after they have gained the experience required to become a Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng).
Average annual salary range
Mechanical Engineer
Average annual salary range
Aerospace Engineer
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7 April
International Baccalaureate Research Skills Program

30 June
Queensland Biology Winter School, Year 11
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Study tips
Why choose UQ for environmental studies?
6-minute read
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Study tips
Why choose UQ for environmental studies?
6-minute read
How you'll learn
Your learning experiences are designed to best suit the learning outcomes of the courses you choose.
- Lectures
- Tutorials
- Research experience
- Laboratory work
- Fieldwork
What you'll study
At UQ, subjects are called 'courses'. Here's a sample of the courses you could study:
- Professional Engineering and the Business Environment: Global Practice
- Engineering Innovation and Leadership
- Management Communication
- Engineering Project
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